Uncategorized Oct 20, 2020

How many times have you died to the old you & have been created new?⁣

At least 200x for me.⁣

I’m constantly dying to old ideas.⁣


States of being.⁣

And, every time I allow myself to die, I am made new & better.⁣

Physical death & egoic death are quite similar.⁣

Both sacred.⁣
Both necessary.⁣

Both create ripples of sacred new geometry that could only be created by YOU.⁣

When you surrender to your struggles, to the downright darkness of your experience
⁣ ⁣
And you choose TRUST,⁣

The great mystery reveals a vital piece of itself to you.⁣

It is a gift.⁣

You are born again.⁣

I had to die to the struggle addicted young woman I was to step into my motherhood about 12 years ago.⁣

I had to let go of all my “party” & “sex industry” friends in order to move forward to give my daughter a healthy life & fighting chance. ⁣

Dreams of my old life haunted me.⁣

I felt lonely as I was learning to surrender.⁣

I was uncomfortable being a “normal” worker in the world walking down the street feeling alien to society.⁣

But I chose TRUST!⁣

And I was rewarded with an initiation to the great magical mysteries & was supported in creating a life beyond my wildest dreams.⁣

Here I sit on vacation in this gorgeous lush backyard in the forest of West Marin, knowing my beautiful man is indoors making coffee & a fire, my children have just played for hours...⁣

And I make a right living by sharing my heart, sharing my many deaths, & leading other leaders to do the same.⁣



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